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Metascience meets Decentralized Science

ResearchHub SciCon 2022

July 15-24, 2022


About SciCon 2022

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SciCon 2022 originates at the intersection between Metascience and Decentralized Science.

The conference will have two competitions that you can participate in!

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Decentralized science aims to tackle well-known problems associated with scientific research through the use of innovative tools provided by blockchain technology and decentralized networks.

Metascience is the scientific discipline that studies the methodology and the implications of doing science, seeking to improve the quality of research and reduce wrongdoings in academia.

Imagine holding science to supreme standards of rigour - and doing so without the centralization of power in gatekeepers. It is the best possible path to the utopian dream of removing all barriers in the way of scienceTM.

SciCon Topics

Richard Feynman, repeated multiple times

The Reproducibility Crisis

Many studies can't be reproduced following the same methods. Why does that happen?

Homi Bhabha

Peer Review and Incentives in Academia

How can we make peer reviews more useful for reviewers and authors?

Nikola Tesla

Reputation in Science

Poorly designed incentives lead to misallocation of reputation in science. How can we change this?

Madame Marie Curie

Better Ways to Manage IP

Web3 tools like NFTs can be integrated in traditional IP infrastructure to open up new opportunities for scientists and investors

Stephen Hawking

Improving Science Communication

As scientists we have the responsibility to share our insights in a understandable way to improve society

SciCon 2022 will
kick off on
Friday, 15 July 2022 at
12:00 EST

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A young John Nash

SciCon won't be the same without you

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